Young drivers are overrepresented in car accidents. One cause is their overestimation of their driving abilities due to a lack of feedback. New telematic applications provide a unique opportunity for giving drivers feedback. SaferDrive aims at making feedback more attractive for different driver types and improving their long-term driving behavior – thereby contributing to accident prevention.
This project aims at
- Establishing whether drivers that get feedback regularly drive more safely
- Recognizing and describing different driver types
- Recognizing appropriate feedback types for different driver types
- Evaluating the new feedback system in a real-life context
The project addresses these questions by data analysis, surveys, lab and field experiments .
Effectiveness: Overall, the telematics-based feedback tends to have a positive impact, however the effect is small (driving behavior) or not significant (accident probability).
Optimization: Feedback could be tailored to the psychological traits and driving behavior patterns of individual young drivers. For the group where the greatest impact of feedback usage is anticipated, introducing social interaction opportunities or accident risk feedback could enhance appeal. This approach would better leverage the potential of usage-based insurance for accident prevention.
Lead Researcher
Dr. Sybilla Merian
Project Status